
The FAAA can deal with complaints about itself and its members only. Find out how a complaint against an FAAA member can be reported and what the investigative process entails.

FAAA members agree to be bound by various professional and ethical standards set out in the FAAA Professional Code.  These standards reflect the commitment of members of the FAAA to meet a high standard of professional conduct, providing a quality of service which achieves credibility among, and the confidence of, the public and the business community.  To ensure all members uphold these standards, the FAAA has a formal process which enables complaints about members to be heard, evaluated and, where appropriate, disciplinary action to be taken. The FAAA does not have the jurisdiction to award compensation to consumers.

Raising your concerns and making a complaint

Depending on whether you think you have lost money because of advice you received, there are different routes through which concerns can be raised.  Our fact sheet for consumers provides more information on this, but if you would like to discuss please feel free to email and we will arrange a time to speak to you.

How complaints are dealt with

Complaints against FAAA members are governed by the FAAA Conduct & Integrity Regulation. Once a complaint is initiated, investigated and presented for hearing, the Chair (or Deputy Chair) of the Conduct Review Commission (CRC) decides the outcome of the complaint. The CRC is an independent decision-making body removed from the FAAA. The outcomes that can be reached include dismissal of the complaint, classification of the complaint as a minor instance of unsatisfactory conduct or progression to a full hearing where sanctions may be imposed.

How to make a complaint

The FAAA can deal with complaints about itself and its members only. FAAA members agree to be bound by various professional and ethical standards set out in the FAAA Professional Code. These standards reflect the commitment of members of the FAAA to meet a high standard of professional conduct; providing a quality of service which achieves credibility among, and the confidence of, the public and the business community. To ensure all members uphold these standards, the FAAA has a formal process which enables complaints about members to be heard, evaluated and, where appropriate, disciplinary action to be taken.

Consumers looking to making a complaint to the FAAA, can do so by completing the online FAAA Complaint Form.


Any questions?

Please email or call our Professional Standards team directly on 02 9220 4518.

Professionalism for FAAA members

FAAA members are bound by the FAAA Professional Code which brings together a comprehensive set of ethical principles, practice standards and conduct rules.


Professionalism is the measure of clear expectations of professional conduct, individual commitment to those obligations and preparedness to be held accountable by peers and the community.

The united voice for financial advice professionals