CFP® Certification Program

The standard of excellence

For more than 30 years, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification has been the standard of excellence for financial planners. CFP® professionals have met extensive training and experience requirements and commit to the highest ethical standards that require them to put their clients’ interests first.

The CFP designation is fast becoming the first choice for clients and employers – and it’s easy to see why. The highest designation in financial planning, coupled with commitment to the highest ethical standards, sets CFP professionals apart from the rest.

To gain your CFP designation you need to complete the CFP Certification program. If you have an approved post graduate financial degree, you will be approved to enter directly to the certification unit.

If you do not have an approved financial planning degree, you may need to complete supporting units to ensure you are across the breadth of knowledge we require of CFP members.

Key Dates

2025 program

If you’re a current FAAA FChFP member please contact us by email at A member of the FAAA Education team will then contact you to complete your registration.

Differentiate yourself with the CFP designation

The CFP designation continues to offer a way for you to differentiate yourself in the profession. The CFP designation indicates that you are highly valued, possess a greater understanding of the financial world and are committed to your clients. With the new education standards, all financial planners will be expected to hold an approved degree by 2026.

What CFP Certification offers

  • Cross border recognition in 27 territories around the world
  • Applied learning
  • Flexibility in study – online and on-demand
  • Demonstrate you’re amongst the best in the profession
  • Recognition of Prior Learning
  • Greater earning potential
  • Integrated Masters Program

Program Information

About the CFP Program

An in-depth overview of structure, pathway options and information about the program.

CFP Program Handbook

Find everything you need to know about the CFP Certification Program.

Forms & Resources

Useful forms for those enrolling into the CFP Certification Program.

CFP On-demand

Our CFP Technical Education Program is now online, and you don’t have to be in the CFP Program to learn with us.

Pathways to CFP Certification

Integrated Masters Pathway

The FAAA has partnered with four education providers which will allow financial planners to combine a Masters of Financial Planning with the CFP Program.

Overseas Qualifications

Information for CFP professionals who are certified in another country and wish to practise as a CFP professional in Australia.

Have more questions?

If you’d prefer to start by asking us more questions about CFP Certification Program, we’d be delighted to help. Contact us on with the links below.

The use of the term ‘financial planner’ and other expressions of like import is restricted under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). A Member, despite having attained CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation, must also meet the relevant requirements under the Corporations Act in order to use the marks ‘CFP’ or ‘CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER’ when carrying on a financial services business or providing financial advice. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that they meet all the relevant legislative requirements when using the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and CFP® trademarks. FAAA cannot and will not guarantee any Member completing the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation is eligible to use the expression ‘financial planner’ under the Corporations Act.

Forms and resources

Useful forms for those enrolling into the CFP® Certification Program.

Overseas qualification

Information for CFP® professionals who are certified in another country and wish to practise as a CFP professional in Australia.

About the CFP Program

Find out how the program is constructed and how to apply for the first time or continue your studies.

The united voice for financial advice professionals