Become a Member

Congratulations, you’re one step closer to joining our vibrant and united community

The FAAA proudly represents all financial advice professionals in Australia from CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® Professionals and Financial Advisers to Students and Paraplanners – we have an offer tailored to all subsections of the advice profession.

To get started, we first need to determine which category of membership is most suited to your personal circumstance.

Explore the options below to find the best fit…

CFP® Professionals

Members in this category:

Investment per year


Return on investment:


Members in this category:

Investment per year


Return on investment:


Members in this category:

Investment per year from

$95 - $495*

Return on investment:

Academics & Students

Members in this category:


In return:

Still not sure on which category is for you?

Reach out to a member of the team.