Determinations & Sanctions
A list of determinations and sanctions handed down to members following a disciplinary panel hearing.
Where complaints were received prior to 4 June 2010, the member’s name was only published if the disciplinary panel considered there was a public interest need to do so.
Where complaints were received after 4 June 2010, the member’s name is published in circumstances where the disciplinary panel has imposed a sanction.
Case number | Member details | FPA Member ID | Effective date | Member Category | Sanction |
CRC FY20/21 03 | Son Huynh | 350042 | 12.12.2022 | AFP | Member apology, professional education, fine |
CRC FY19-20_16 | Komal Pandya | 359554 | 08.02.2022 | AFP | Fine, costs, expulsion |
CRC_FY19-20_02 | Steven Blizard | 323309 | 18.03.2021 | AFP | Fines, reprimand, costs of CRC hearing |
CRC_2020_1 | Mark Kynaston | 334671 | 26.02.2020 | CFP | Suspension, supervision, remediation, professional education, costs of CRC hearing |
CRC_2019_1 | Matthew Brown | 029315 | 29.01.2019 | CFP | Suspension, costs of CRC hearing, training, apology |
CRC_2018_2 | Dianne Bainbridge | 339765 | 14.12.2018 | AFP | Suspension, costs of CRC hearing, professional education |
CRC_2018_1 | Sam Henderson | 331878 | 10.09.2018 | AFP | Costs of CRC hearing, fined |
and | Darren Tindall | 341771 | 11.01.2017 and 06.03.2017 | AFP | Expelled, costs of CRC hearing, fined |
CRC_2016_1 | Shylesh Sriranjan | 343480 | 09.01.2017 | AFP | Expelled |
CRC_2015_1 | Robert Tomasello | 13100 | 31.07.2015 | CFP | Expelled, costs of CRC hearing |
CRC_2014_1 | Robert (Bob) Jones | 38582 | 21.10.2014 | CFP | Expelled, fined, costs |
CRC_2013_1 | Blinded | Blinded | 04.01.2014 | CFP | Expelled, costs (Blinding Deed) |
CRC_2012_4 | Blinded | Blinded | 13.07.2012 | AFP | Professional education, costs, reprimanded |
CRC_2012_3 | Yvette Daniel | 23185 | 06.07.2012 | CFP | Expelled, costs |
CRC_2012_2 | John Schluter | 32097 | 06.07.2012 | AFP | Expelled, costs |
CRC_2012_1 | Blinded | Blinded | 11.04.2012 | CFP | Professional education, costs, undertaking, suspension of designation, identity not published |
CRC_2011_3 | Paul Florence | 17962 | 23.11.2011 | AFP | Expelled, costs |
CRC_2011_2 | Emmanuel Cassimatis | 11649 | 26.07.2011 | General | Appeal dismissed |
CRC_2010_1 | Emmanuel Cassimatis | 11649 | 20.10.2010 | General | Expelled, fined, costs |
CRC_2011_1 | Gus Dalle Cort | 320817 | 28.01.2011 | CFP | Fined, expelled, publication |
CRC_2009_3 | Blinded | Blinded | 12.10.2009 | Principal | Supervision, costs |
CRC_2009_2 | Blinded | Blinded | 20.02.2009 | CFP | Reprimanded, suspension of designation, supervision, fined, identity not published |
CRC_2009_2 | Blinded | Blinded | 20.02.2009 | Principal | Reprimanded, fined, identity not published |
CRC_2009_1 | Blinded | Blinded | 13.03.2009 | Principal | Expelled, fined, costs, identity not published |