As a professional association, the FAAA is governed by an elected Board and Executive team, and formal constitution that outlines how we should conduct our operations.
FAAA Board

David Sharpe CFP®
FAAA Chair
FAAA Chair
David became chair of the FPA Board in May 2022 after a year as deputy chair and has been a financial planner and FPA member since 2003. He has completed a Diploma in Financial Planning and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Distinction) from Curtin University.
David runs his own self-licensed financial planning firm, Globe Financial Planning, based in West Perth.

Michelle Veitch,
Deputy Chair
Deputy Chair
Michelle is the Deputy Chair of the Board. Michelle has over 25 years financial services experience as a Senior Financial Adviser and is the founding principal and Managing Director of her South Australian based practice, Mybluesky.
At the AFA she was the Vice President and served the AFA community in various leadership roles for over 10 years including State Chair and South Australian Director. Michelle is a Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP), Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD) and Certified NLP Practitioner (Bus. Comms).
Michelle is a member of the Board Finance, Risk and Audit Committee of the FAAA.

Sheila Gutierrez-
Cabacungan CFP®
Cabacungan CFP®

Diana D'Ambra AM
Diana is a non-executive director and independent business adviser.
Diana has more than 30 years executive experience delivering corporate finance and investment advice across a number of industry sectors .
With more than 15 years as a professional non-executive director Diana currently sits on five boards.
Diana has a Bachelor and Master of Commerce degrees, and is a fellow of Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD) , fellow of Chartered Accountants Aust & New Zealand (FCA) and is a fellow of the Governance institute of Australia (FGIA). Diana has successfully completed the Australia Institute of Company Directors Course (GAICD).

Patricia Garcia CFP®

Katherine Hayes

William Johns CFP®

Deborah Kent CFP®

Jade Khao CFP®

Shaun McDonagh
Shaun is a senior executive with over 25 years industry experience across education, training, health, community services, media, disability support, financial services and the not-for-profit (NFP) sectors. A graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) holding business and law qualifications along with 16 years as a board director, Shaun served as an independent director of the AFA from February 2021. He is a member of the Board Governance and Remuneration Committee of the FAAA.

Angela Martyn CFP®
Angela Martyn CFP® is a practitioner member of the Board. She has been a member of the FAAA since September 1993 and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional since May 1999. Her experience in financial planning spans a variety of different licensee structures, including as an AFSL holder for 22 years in her own business which recently merged with the Yarra Lane Group.
Angela is Chair of the FAAA’s Policy and Regulation Committee, a member of the Board’s Governance and Remuneration Committee and was a member of the AFA/FPA merger Steering Committee. She is a member of ASIC’s Financial Adviser Consultative Panel and previous Past President of the Boutique Financial Planners Principals Association.
Professional qualifications and designations include a Bachelor of Business (Ec & Fin), SMSF Specialist Adviser (since Jan 2006) and an Accredited Aged Care Professional Adviser (since December 2014).
Angela is a regular presenter at FAAA and industry events and actively involved on various finance and investment committees outside the profession.
The FAAA operates a number of committees, each of which are responsible for advancing certain areas within the association’s professional framework. The committees comprise a combination of practitioner members and industry experts, and each committee has a defined terms of reference.
The current Committees are as follows:
- Finance, Risk and Audit
- Governance and Remuneration
- Policy and Regulations
- Member Events Advisory
- Culture and Community
- Conduct and Integrity