Honorary Awards
Awarded to FAAA members who have made an outstanding contribution to the association, our profession and to their local community.
FAAA honorary award recipients consistently demonstrate the principles outlined in the FAAA Professional Code which brings together a comprehensive set of ethical principles, practice standards and conduct rules.
Life Member Award
Individuals with the vision, drive and leadership required to effect major change are selected to receive the FAAA Life Member Award. They will have demonstrated an exceptional contribution to the development and reputation of the financial planning profession and the FAAA over an extended period (10+ years).
Nominations for this award are only able to be made by current FAAA Board Directors.

Joseph Nowak, member from 1995 – present
Hall of Fame – Life Member Award
Alphabetical by surname
Dominic Alafaci CFP®
Philip Anderson
Dennis Bateman
Julie Berry CFP®
Marisa Broome CFP®
Philip Burke
Russell Collins
John Craik
Hugh Crawford FChFP
Doug Cross
Dante De Gori CFP®
Corinna Dieters
Ian Donaldson
James Doogue
Brad Fox FChFP
John Godfrey
Peter Graham
Raymond Griffin
Steven Helmich
Ian Heraud CFP®
John Hewison CFP®
John Hibberd
Murray Hills
Doug Johnston
Gary Jones
Brian Jones
Neil Kendall CFP®
Richard Klipin
John Mundy
Delma Newton CFP®
Bill Nixon
Gai Nixon
Joseph Nowak
Michael Nowak CFP®
Mark Rantall CFP®
Matthew Rowe CFP®
Darryl Seccombe OAM
Bernard Walshe CFP®
Fellow Award
The FAAA Fellow award is provided to outstanding financial planning practitioners who have made a selfless contribution to the profession and the community, have demonstrated leadership and command the respect of peers as exemplary role models.
FAAA members of at least 10 years’ standing (including heritage associations) and persons of impeccable character and ethical standards. Minimum 15 years’ full-time work in financial planning and financial services; and at least five years in full time financial planning practice. FAAA members may not self-nominate for this award.

Sam Perera, member from 2007 – present
Hall of Fame – Fellow Award
Alphabetical by surname
Jason Andriessen CFP®
Dominic Alafaci CFP®
Scott Alman CFP®
Rick Arnheim
Kevin Bailey
Julie Berry CFP®
Glen Boath CFP®
Max Bourne
Paul Brady CFP®
Marisa Broome CFP®
Nick Bruining
Salvatore Calarco
Patrick Canion CFP®
Geoff Catt
Ian Chester-Master
Greg Cook CFP®
Chris Craggs CFP®
Sue Dahn CFP®
John D’Alessandri
Christine Davie CFP®
Robert de Lepervanche CFP®
Lou Delfos
Corinna Dieters
Max Dixon
Malcolm Dobson
Tim Donohue CFP®
Kevin Doyle
Ken Drummond
Peter Dunn
Philip Eley
George Flack
Geoff Fry
Trevor Gibson
Peter Gilkison
Tony Gillett CFP®
David Haintz CFP®
Benjamin Hancock CFP®
Alison Henderson CFP®
Ian Heraud CFP®
John Hewison CFP®
Paul Hocking
Ron Issko
Geoff Jakeman
John Jefferies
Gary Jones
Terry Kays CFP®
Neil Kendall CFP®
Denis Kennedy
Peter Lake
Louise Lakomy CFP®
Rodney Lavin CFP®
Paul Lawrence
Wayne Leggett CFP®
Stefan Lipkiewicz
Gary Lucas
William Mackay
Tim Marshall
Philip Mason-Cox CFP®
Wes McMaster CFP®
Ian Mein
Craig Meldrum
Laura Menschik
Michael Miller CFP®
Wayne Moriarty
Delma Newton CFP®
Peter Nonnenmacher
Peter O’Toole
Suren Pather
Kyle Pearson
Julian Place
Sam Perera
Rob Pyne CFP®
Ian Redpath
Peter Roan CFP®
David Rosenberg
David Rowlands
Nigel Sands
Colin Scully
Rod Scurrah
Dave Slovenic
Mark Spiers CFP®
Anthony Stedman CFP®
Nigel Stewart
Dean Stokes
Randall Stout CFP®
Michelle Tate-Lovery CFP®
Chris Taylor
Stephen Wait
Lyn Walker CFP®
Owen Weeks
Timothy White
Simon Wu CFP®
Distinguished Service Award
The FAAA Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recognises the exceptional contribution to the work of the FAAA and the common good of the profession through voluntary service to an FAAA community, committee or taskforce.
FAAA members and non-members are eligible for this award, providing that they have not previously received a DSA; and have served at least three years uninterrupted service on the FAAA Board or an FAAA Committee, taskforce or community committee. FAAA members may not self-nominate for this award.

Kearsten James CFP®, member from 2008 – present
Hall of Fame – Distinguished Service Award
Alphabetical by surname
Jawad Ahmed CFP®
Mark Alexander CFP®
Nick Amore CFP®
Vicky Ampoulos
David Armstrong
Kevin Bailey
Wayne Barber CFP®
David Barnett
Tony Beal
Julie Berry CFP®
Louise Biti CFP®
Dale Boucher
Max Bourne
Jane Bowd
Paul Brady CFP®
Sarah Brennan
James Brescia CFP®
Dr Mark Brimble
Scott Brouwer CFP®
Diana Bugarcic
Lin Burgess
Frank Camilleri CFP®
Patrick Canion CFP®
David Catchpole
Guyon Cates
Geoff Catt
Ian Chester-Master
Jocelyn Chong
Petra Churcher
Jim Clegg
Paul Clitheroe
Tom Collins
Graham Cotter CFP®
Robert Currie
Mark De Wan
Greg Devine
Corinna Dieters
Andrew Donachie CFP®
Ian Donaldson
James Doogue
Chris Drummer
Lesley Duncan CFP®
Peter Dunn
Pippa Elliott CFP®
Susanne Erratt CFP®
Mark Everingham CFP®
Kerrin Falconer
Michael Farmer CFP®
Bev Ferris CFP®
Gweneth Fletcher CFP®
Duncan Forbes CFP®
Jayson Forrest
Rick Forster
Bruce Foy
Debbie Gampe
Andrew Geddes
Tony Gillett CFP®
Ian Gillies CFP®
Anne Graham CFP®
Andrew Gricks
Raymond Griffin
Peeyush Gupta
Adrian Hanrahan
Kym Harris
David Hartgill
Matthew Hawkins
Scott Hay-Bartlem
Lyn Heaysman
Steven Helmich
Leonie Henry
Clive Herrald
John Hewison CFP®
Nina Hope
Sandy Hopps CFP®
Brendan Hughes
Julie James
Kearsten James CFP®
Louise Jealous-Bennett
John Jefferies
Gary Jones
Glenese Keavney
Robert Keavney
Todd Kennedy CFP®
Deborah Kent CFP®
Dimity Kingsford-Smith
Sharon Knightley
Bill Kouvas
Tom Laidlaw
Louise Lakomy CFP®
Rodney Lavin CFP®
Tony Lewis
Pene Lovett
Christopher Manwaring CFP®
Hari Maragos CFP®
Julie Matheson CFP®
Graham McDonald
Russell McKimm
Neil McKissock
Wes McMaster CFP®
Craig Meldrum
Laura Menschik
David Middleton CFP®
Michael Miller CFP®
Geoff Morris
Brian Nankivell
Delma Newton CFP®
Steven O’Donoghue CFP®
Arthur Orchard
Mark O’Toole CFP®
Peter O’Toole
Colleen Peffer
Laurie Pennell CFP®
Susan Peterson
Julian Place CFP®
Philip Pledge
Terry Power
Rob Pyne CFP®
Brian Quarrell
Graham Reeve
David Richardson CFP®
Peter Roan CFP®
Toni Roan
Matthew Rowe CFP®
Arthur Russell
Andrew Saikal-Skea CFP®
Mike Sargeant
Joe Saveniji
Colin Scully
Sim Senesi CFP®
Antony Seymour
Roslyn Shirlaw
Michael Smith
Shayne Sommer CFP®
David Squire
Donald Stephens
Kate Stephenson
Dean Stokes
Mark Stubbings
Samantha Sun CFP®
Marie Suthern CFP®
Michelle Tate-Lovery CFP®
Geoff Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Ted Thacker
Dawn Thomas CFP®
Phil Thompson
Guy Thornycroft
Greg Tindall CFP®
Conrad Travers
Jo Tuck CFP®
Thomas Tym CFP®
Peter Van West
Rosa Velkovski
Sue Viskovic
Stephen Wait
Deidre Walsh
Bernie Walshe CFP®
Lisa Weissel
Max Weston
David Williams
James Wortley CFP®
Kevin Wyld
Hanny Youcef
Michael Murphy Award
The Michael Murphy award was named in honour of the late Michael Murphy, who was its inaugural recipient in 2009. The Michael Murphy award recognises an individual who has provided exceptional service to the advice profession. This award was first awarded by the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA), prior to the merger with the Financial Planning Association (FPA) to form the Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA).

The late Michael Murphy
Hall of Fame – Michael Murphy Award
In order of date awarded
Michael Murphy
Russell Collins
Dennis Bateman
Bernie Toohey
Hugh Crawford
Joe Nowak
Gerry Porter
Godfrey Philips
Dugald Mitchell
Stephen Knight
Gwen Fletcher Award
Awarded to the highest-achieving student in the CFP® Certification Program each semester, the award honours the memory of the late ‘First Lady of Financial Planning’ and her lifelong endeavours to champion professionalism within financial planning.

The late Gwen Fletcher
Hall of Fame – Gwen Fletcher Award
In order of date awarded
Erin Coyle CFP®
Amy Early CFP®
John Moran CFP®
Sunitha Williams CFP®
Claire McGregor CFP®
Cameron Obliubek CFP®
Bronwyn Abraham CFP®
Michael Forer CFP®
Erica Cummins CFP®
John Dacker CFP®
Raquel Netto CFP®
Nicole Dwyer CFP®
Allen Ozdil CFP®
Jacob McCudden CFP®
Renato Manias CFP®
Andrew Mabarrack CFP®
Phillip Turvey CFP®
Susan Buda CFP®
Maria Danica Lozada CFP®
Brigitta Hembrow-Gersey CFP®
Jessica Dean CFP®
Kristine Pham CFP®
Andrew Dickinson CFP®
Nathan Purnell CFP®
Craig Roberts CFP®
Marc Whitworth CFP®
For more information on these awards please see the FAAA Membership Regulation