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Legislated professional standards

Overview of requirements

For more than 30 years, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification has been the standard of excellence for financial planners. CFP® professionals have met extensive training and experience requirements and commit to the highest ethical standards that require them to put their clients’ interests first.

The CFP designation is fast becoming the first choice for clients and employers – and it’s easy to see why. The highest designation in financial planning, coupled with commitment to the highest ethical standards, sets CFP professionals apart from the rest.

To gain your CFP designation you need to complete the CFP Certification program. If you’ve already got a financial planning degree, you can enter straight into the certification unit. If not, we’ll need you to complete the supporting units (either with us or at a recognised tertiary institution) to ensure you’re across the breadth of knowledge we require of our CFP members.

Any questions?

 We are always keen to hear your valuable feedback and suggestions. Please let us know if there are issues or concerns that affect you.

The united voice for financial advice professionals