Alan Klein

Name Alan Klein
Company XL Planners
Address PO Box 123
Vaucluse, NSW 2030
Phone 02 8014 2164

Alan is a qualified financial planner and holds a broad range of qualifications which is valuable knowledge to help clients in achieving their financial goals and objectives. He has worked in the financial services industry for over 20 years. Alan is a practitioner member of the Financial Advice Association of Australia as well as a member of the NSW Business Chamber. At XL Planners, Alan provides professional advice to his clients in a wide range of financial planning issues. He prides his approach on building long-term relationships with clients with the aim of providing financial advice tailored to their situation. Alan is skilled at helping clients from all stages of life, from just starting work right through to retirees, to achieve their financial goals. Prior to his career as a financial planner, Alan studied Commerce at the University of Cape Town before starting his own event hire business. He has over 30 years of experience in business which has helped hone his skills in dealing with people and their financial problems which he loves solving.

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