Michael Farmer, CFP®

Name Michael Farmer CFP®
Company Business Initiatives
Address 20d William Street
Norwood, SA 5067
Phone 08 8431 7444
Website www.businessi.com.au

I help clients to sax tax, grow & protect their wealth. Michael is a Certified Financial Planner and has been helping his clients improve their financial position since 2003.Michael has experience in all areas of financial advice and has specialized in retirement planning. Michael has extensive knowledge in the areas of superannuation, investments, personal insurance and business succession planning that can be applied to a clients benefit.Michael has been involved with the Financial Planning Association having served as chairperson of the SA chapter, promoting the Financial Planning profession and the value of obtaining financial advice.In April 2014 Michael was granted the honour of receiving the FPA's Distinguished Service Award for his service to the Financial Planning Profession.

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