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FPA answers call for more retirement planning support through event series

The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) has opened registrations to its 2015 National Roadshow which will visit 33 locations across the nation during April, May and June.

In partnership with Challenger and Zenith Investment Partners, the roadshows, will focus on best practice in retirement planning; equipping financial planners with the metrics and tools they need to implement retirement strategies in their business.

The roadshows will also deliver expert advice on how the proposed new education and professional standards will impact financial planners, touching on the latest developments in the Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) legislation, the FSI report and PJC recommendations.

Mark Rantall, FPA CEO said: “This year the FPA’s focus is clearly on education and professional standards for financial planners and ensuring a solid financial future for Australians into retirement.

“The aim of the 2015 National Roadshow is to connect financial planners with experts who can help them navigate the new professional path set by recent regulatory reforms. We also want to provide them with the tools they need to help clients achieve their retirement goals, through tailored quality advice.”

Challenger and Zenith Investment Partners will be, focusing on the most common needs of retirees, the specific risks they face, and how those requirements drive a different approach to portfolio construction.

“The FPA is pleased to be partnering with Challenger and Zenith Investment Partners to provide a deep dive into retirement planning and portfolio construction. Both partners have strong pedigrees in investment management, retirement planning and research for financial advisers and they are a welcome fit for this year’s National Roadshow theme of ‘Securing the future – strategies for excellence today and tomorrow’.

“Based on feedback from last year’s National Roadshow, attended by record numbers of delegates, we know that financial planners remain vigilant to key legislative changes and are seeking support in understanding and adhering to the full requirements of current legislation. We have designed these latest roadshow events to address these issues head on.”

The roadshows are also open to non-FPA members and all attendees will be accredited with 2 CPD Points. All roadshows are free of charge and they will include Q&A sessions with FPA experts and complimentary breakfast or lunch.

To register and check event dates for regional and city locations please visit

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