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Webinar: Financial Adviser exam preparation

Webinar: Demystifying the CSLR Implementation and Operations

Lunch Event with Futurity & Eleece Quilliam

Professional Development Networking Lunch

Webinar: Crafting an equitable advice experience for modern couples

Professional Development Lunch

Webinar: Life after the Financial Adviser exam

Golf Day

Inspire EmPOWER Happy Hour

ASX Adviser Breakfast & Learn

Inspire series: Reach your potential

ASX Adviser Lunch & Learn

ASX Adviser Lunch & Learn

ASX Adviser Lunch & Learn

‘Welcome to Spring’ Networking Event

Spring Networking Lunch

AFL Grand Final Lunch

Inspire series: Opportunity to grow your personal brand and network

Inspire Community Lunch

Inspire series: Women running successful financial planning businesses

CFP® Professional Connect, The Psychology of Advice

FAAA Congress