Paul Ashworth, AFP®

Name Paul Ashworth AFP®
Company Cameron Harrison Private Pty Ltd
Address Level 17, North Tower, 80 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Phone 03 9655 5000

Success is measured differently for everyone. For me, it’s seeing both our clients and our people reach their goals through close personal guidance.

As a trusted adviser, my relationships with people are my passion. I value my ability to help Cameron Harrison clients and staff alike reach their goals. My experience in providing financial advice and specialist consulting to business owners and families has allowed me to work with talented individuals and provide personal guidance to achieve their goals.

My role as Managing Partner at Cameron Harrison allows me to support a mission that’s truly important to me while doing what I enjoy – providing peace of mind journeys. I am driven by integrity and forthrightness; my interactions are about delivering solutions that help clients achieve their ambitions in both life and business.

My experience and expertise in economics and law has helped me cultivate my technical knowledge and experience in investment management, taxation, strategic planning, and complex intergenerational wealth management. I pride myself on providing peace of mind for both the clients I represent and the people at Cameron Harrison.

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