Michelle Tate-Lovery CFP®

Head of Content, FAAA

Michelle Tate-Lovery CFP® shares her thoughts on Congress and what you can expect to get out of attending this year’s FAAA Congress In Brisbane

Oh, my geez there will be so much to experience at FAAA Congress 2024… It’s overwhelming seeing the planning, concepts and content come to life at this premier event. “Power Up” Congress sets out to engage and add real value to advisers as they expand their knowledge, innovate, and grow financial advice.

5 plenaries, 4 workshops, 16 breakout sessions, the Inspire/Gen Next combined Community Breakfast, and the spectacular Awards Gala Dinner… will power you up.

A foray of edutainment via a fantastic line up of keynotes. I can’t wait to see the Formula One duo Mark Gallagher and Bernie Collins speak about excellence through harnessing a high-performance team. Troy & Zara Love will be crazy energetic and fun in their delivery of “connection” and Caspar in the final keynote will provide a framework for you to make those “big bold” moves in life and work for lasting positive impact. When we tackle “reshaping the delivery of advice” at Plenary level …the collaborative effort of our 7 subject matter specialists, will demonstrate to you what’s possible right now to gain compliance relief and process efficiencies to enhance financial advice and your service to clients. I call this the “wow” session.. no pressure!

How can I do justice to all the Congress sessions in this blog.. (I’m passionate about each one)? So broadly speaking the sub themes I believe members will appreciate are technology (to create business efficiency), communication skills and managing client life transition, psychology of advice, self-care, leadership, business risk management, social media marketing, prominent topics of investment and insurance in 2024/5, stimulating ethics topics, compliance direction along with updates around FAAA strategic vision for the advice profession and legislative reform in financial services … (ahh so much), will mean there is something for everyone to embrace.

Coming back for more – the buzz and connectivity in the Expo Hall …the celebration of our award winners and rocking out on the dance floor at the Gala Awards Dinner (apologies in advance if you see me rock out to “Jesse’s girl” with the team) ….will be so much fun.

If you’re looking for inspiration, new ideas, brainstorming opportunities from challenges together, practical take outs or those ah ha moments from being exposed to how your peers operate and provide advice…then, invest in yourself, your team and in your business to be part of the financial advice profession continuous improvement Congress.

The FAAA team and all the presenters are powered up to deliver a memorable Congress for you! Register now: FAAA Congress


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